William James Megenney is an author, programmer, investor, and veteran. He writes both fiction and nonfiction. His trilogy Nonfiction is a love letter to his children, providing the experiential advice and guidance he wishes he had when he was 18. His fiction work is much more diverse. He writes shorts stories, which are freely available in video format on YouTube, Rumble, and X. He is also working on various novels of different genres. However, his magnum Opus is the series “Aegis of Imperia”. This is an (approximately 60 book) epic Sci Fi/Fantasy series that takes place over 15,000 years. Action, Adventure, Mystery, Thrills, Romance, Betrayal with Knights and Robots, and Monsters and Aliens, the Aegis of Imperia series will have it all. If you are in need of a good story or some practical advice that can improve your life, you are in the “write” place.

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