When it comes to speed reading, I’m sure you have heard the same wild claims I have of people being able to read one page in two to three seconds. Videos of these masters of the word, furiously scanning their finger down each page, destroying preconceived notions of what is and isn’t possible when it comes to reading. And for each of these videos claiming such incredible feats, are many others debunking this as utter nonsense.

But that got me thinking, what if there was some truth to all this? What if, it was possible to increase my reading speed. Even doubling my current rate of 200 words per minute would be a game changer. So I spent the last week looking into photo reading, page scanning and speed reading and put them all to the test. I am happy to report that there is some truth to speed reading, backed by science, confirmed even by skeptics.

What if I told you there was a way to double, triple or even quadruple your reading speed whilst simultaneously increasing comprehension, focus and retention? It may seem crazy, however there are people doing that right now.

Here is a fact that you should use to update your idea script of what is possible. The average person reads about 200 words per minute., yet the world record for speed reading is a ridiculous 4,200 words per minute at a 67% comprehension rate!

What I discovered is that there is in fact a way for the average person to speed read realistically up to 600 words per minute. That number is special because that comes out to about 10 words a minute. Guess how many words are in the average line in a book? 10! Which means you can one line per second of written text. Guess how many lines are on a page? Between 20 and 30, which means you could read 1 page every 20 to 30 seconds. Depending on your base reading speed, this could double (300 wpm) triple (200 wpm) or even quadruple (150 wpm) your reading speed.

So how is this possible? How can virtually anyone raise their reading speed that fast? Do these techniques tap into the unlimited resources of the subconscious mind? Are you required to unravel the mystery esoteric energy of the all seeing eye? Do have to learn to engage in quantum superposition where the word is both read and unread in all temporal realities simultaneously? No. The truth is much more mundane. The truth is that our skill set for reading is shit. We are all reading college level material with an elementary school level skill set. These techniques fix that.

I have tried most ‘speed reading’ methods and found the ones I am about to share with you to truly be the most effective. These techniques have increased my speed, focus and comprehension and most of all, made reading much more fun. Instead of reexplaining them to you I will share with you the handful of videos I have curated that will teach you how to do it. Just watch them in order, apply the techniques described (Which are the same regardless of the teacher, which is a great sign) and watch your reading speed improve!

Written by : willmegenney


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