Looking to increase Success, Happiness and Wealth? Than look no further than the my personal development series. I share my discoveries with you in a Trilogy of Books. These books will help increase the success, happiness and income in your life with scientifically proven time tested strategies. Order them on Amazon today!



Book 1:
The Secret of Success
(Available Now on Amazon)


In The Secret Of Success, Will Megenney delves into the ultimate question of how to transform one’s life from mediocrity and unfulfilled potential to extraordinary achievement and triumph. Through an in-depth examination of the lives of history’s greatest achievers and an analysis of over 200 peer-reviewed scientific journals, Megenney has developed a groundbreaking three-step method that has been consistently used by these exceptional individuals, whether they realized it or not. This book offers a practical, step-by-step approach to success, cutting through the vague and theoretical ideas often found in self-improvement literature. Packed with practical solutions, new perspectives, and actionable advice, The Secret Of Success is perfect for success-minded readers, self-improvement enthusiasts, and anyone seeking to make a significant impact on their life.

Book 2:
The Secret of Happiness

(Coming Soon)


Book 3:
The Secret of Wealth

(Coming Soon)