FREE Writing Mastery Course

Welcome to the exciting adventure that is writing! Whether you’re just dipping your toes into writing, or you’ve been at it for a while, this FREE course has got you covered. I started putting pen to paper in 2019, and if I can do it, so can you! The stuff I’ve learned (and am still learning) forms the core of this guide. It’s not just some random lessons, it’s a glimpse into my journey, and most of all, it’s my way of giving back.

This isn’t just another course; it’s super personal. I’m using it as a sort of cheat sheet for myself, and I thought, why not share? My aim? To help our awesome writing community get even better. One cool thing I found along the way. ChatGPT. However, I don’t use it to write for me (and neither should you), I instead use it as my own personal writing coach. And I’ll show you how to do that too. If you’re curious about the bigger picture or the ‘why’ behind this course, you can get a sneak peek in my book, “The Secret to Success.” (Click here to buy)

Now, before we get ahead of ourselves, we start at the beginning with prose. Crafting a solid sentence is where it all kicks off. From there, we dive into editing, making sure every word is just right. We’ll chat about everything from creating characters that connect with your readers, building whole new immersive worlds, twists and turns of plot, and how to write those super cool action-packed moments. Each section? Well, think of it like a mini-masterclass.

I’ve tried to pack in everything I know about writing in here, in a way that makes sense. Starting with prose and building up from there. And hey, if you want to skip around and jump to a topic that’s calling out to you, go for it! As I learn and grow, I might shuffle stuff around to make it flow in a more logical path. But no worries, you won’t miss out on anything. Remember, we’re all in this together, and it’s a journey that keeps on going.


Download and install text to voice browser extension for your browser. I have discovered that having the text read to you will help increase your comprehension, helping you learn faster. You have two options. If you don’t mind paying a premium, you can install “Speechify” into your browser and get the best text to speech available. However, if you are on a budget, you can install standard text to speech, which sounds much more robotic. However, even a lower quality text to speech is still better than none.

Once you have a text to speech extension you are ready to start!

Mastery Course Table of Contents

  1. Prose – Before you craft stories, you need to craft sentences. This is about the style and artistry of your writing itself.
    Beginning Prose: Parts of Speech
    Lesson 1 – Verbs
    Lesson 2
    Lesson 3
    Lesson 4
    Lesson 5
    Lesson 6
    Lesson 7
    Lesson 8
    Lesson 9
    Articles on Prose
    Videos on Prose
    Books on Prose
    More Lessons Coming Soon!
  2. Editing – It’s essential to refine your prose for clarity and coherence early on.
  3. Research and Authenticity – Grounding your writing in reality, even if it’s fiction, provides a believable base.
  4. Point of View and Narration – Decide who’s telling the story and how.
  5. Voice – Develop a unique tone or style for your narration and characters.
  6. Dialogue – Crafting spoken exchanges, building from the prose skills.
  7. Character Creation – Introduce characters with depth and nuance.
  8. Character Relationships and Dynamics – Explore how characters interact.
  9. Settings and Description – Grounding your characters in time and place.
  10. World Building – If you’re venturing beyond our known world, establish its rules and intricacies.
  11. Magic System – How magic works, affects your world and your characters.
  12. Plot – Craft the central sequence of events.
  13. Story Structure – Shape those events with a beginning, middle, and end.
  14. Pacing – Determine how fast your story moves and where to place highs and lows.
  15. Tension and Conflict – Introduce challenges and oppositions that propel the plot.
  16. Scenes – Dive deep into crafting the individual moments of your story.
  17. Character Arc – Look at the inner transformations of your characters.
  18. Philosophical Arc – Infuse your story with deeper philosophical meaning.
  19. Subplots – Weave in secondary storylines to add depth.
  20. Flashbacks and Non-Linear Storytelling – Learn techniques to reveal backstory or jump in the timeline.
  21. Foreshadowing and Planting – Set up elements for payoff later in the story.
  22. Theme – Ensure there’s a consistent underlying message or idea.
  23. Symbolism and Motifs – Enhance your story with recurring elements.
  24. Mood and Atmosphere – Focus on creating a specific emotional tone.
  25. Fighting/Action – Tackle the challenges of describing dynamic sequences.
  26. Comedy – If you wish, sprinkle humor throughout your work.